Saturday, April 19, 2008

Food to die for

Catalin and I have celebrated 1 year since we are going steady. As the last couple months have been a bit rough on us, and all the stress is taken its toll, I decided is time to look at the good parts in life too.

So this is what helped me get a change of perspective on my life: Chicken with mushroom and rice - Catalin makes the best mushroom I've ever tasted and the chicken is not as bad either. As for the rice, we have been eating that a lot during the last 3 months, so I think we can get it just right by now.

And, of course, a meal wouldn't be perfect without a touch of red - my favorite beer, Kriek.
So, things couldn't get better... well, this actually do: I found out this marvelous desert, yogurt with stracciatella... and is something made of milk which I can actually eat in this country!

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