Saturday, March 24, 2007

In the still of the rain

What can you write about in a rainy day? Everything! Well, that's quite a broad aria... I will start with my cat - you know, my giant black-as-night cat, Mau. He is 5 years old now (I counted!). And he still thinks I'm the best. I think that's the longest relationship I've ever had in which I had a reasonable low level of arguments ;-)

As a specie, us humans argue too much. We fight, we scream, we complain. Sometimes - well, most of the time, we overreact. We find excuses. We apologize. And when we see it works, we start doing it all over again. How come we never get tired of this? Probably because it is the one thing we are all good it :(

One quick note: I really like the songs of a Romanian band called "Bere Gratis" (Free beer). They have a Download page (called Download:-) ) where you can, of course, download some of their songs for free.

Maybe some of you noticed in the news that Romania's political arena is looking recently more like a mud wrestling arena. However, don't start feeling bad for us - look what happens in other countries first - and I was thinking our politicians should be embarrassed!

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